Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"If it isn't broke, don't fix it"

The problem is,
we are extremely broken.
How broken?
so broken, we can harldy begin to understand.
And when God does show us just the slightest insight on how broken we are,
we fall flat on our face, broken.
But this new brokenness, IS the best brokenness. Because only broken before and by God can we really be fixed...
when we see no hope in self, and see our only hope in Christ.
when we are disgusted with self, and wanna live only for Him.
But the problem occurs for me, is when I fail to see my brokenness....
I say I am broken, but do I always believe it? Do I always LIVE it?
Oh God,  I need You! Break me to Fix me.


  1. That is so true, Taylor...I struggle with saying it and not always living it, too :) Thank you so much...
    In Christ,

  2. This is also something I've been thinking about.. very important to remember.
    But no matter how many times I remind myself of this, my flesh keeps telling me that I can somehow stand on my own.

  3. Good post Taylor... it is easy to forget how weak we actually are and to forget what we've been saved from!

    Glad to see your posting again!
